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Graduation Requirements
23 Credits
That’s the magic number for your student to graduate from Williamsburg Academy of Colorado, as required by the state of Colorado. Read below to view detailed credit requirements in each subject area.

Graduation Requirements
Important Notes
We recommend reviewing these notes for added context as you explore our overall graduation requirements:
- We adhere to the graduation guidelines outlined by the state of Colorado. Senior students must either complete the Williamsburg Senior Capstone Project or achieve minimum ACT or SAT scores as required by the Colorado Department of Education.
- Students in grades 10-12 may take Concurrent Enrollment courses through local college partners to earn high school credits. Please work with our school counselor if your student desires to take these courses.
- Unless otherwise noted, all of our courses add 0.5 credits toward your student’s graduation.
- In most cases, we recommend taking the “A” version of a course in the fall semester and the “B” version in winter.
- You can use the Grad Plan feature in SIS to track your student's progress toward graduation and plan future semesters.
- You can view specific high school course descriptions on the Williamsburg Learning website.
Language Arts - 4.0 Credits
Complete the following:
- Writing & Rhetoric A & B (LA 9)
- American Literature A & B (LA 10)
- Political Literature (LA 11 - Fall semester) & Short Stories (LA 11 - Winter semester)
- World Literature A & B (LA 12)
Math - 3.0 Credits
Students must complete through Math 3 or Algebra 2 to graduate.
Complete the following:
- HS Math 1 A & B, or both Algebra 1 A* and Geometry A
- HS Math 2 A & B, or both Algebra 1 B* and Geometry B
- HS Math 3 A & B, or Algebra 2*
Students who complete pre-calculus (A & B courses) and another math class (both A & B courses) on this list only need 2 credits instead of 3. A student who has already completed Algebra 2 does not need to complete any other HS math courses.
Note: Pre-Algebra is equivalent to 7th Grade Math & Intro to HS Math, and is a non-credit course for high school.
*These courses are only offered in the self-paced format.
Science - 3.0 Credits
Complete 2.0 credits from the following foundational sciences:
- Earth Science A & B
- Biology A & B
- Chemistry A & B
- Physics A & B
Plus 1.0 credit of an additional foundational or any other science course (such as Astronomy A & B)
Note: Many selective colleges want to see 1.0 credits each of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics on an applicant's transcript.
Social Studies - 3.0 Credits
Complete the following:
- U.S. History A & B (fulfills state-required Genocide and Holocaust studies)
- Government & Economics A (0.5 credit) & B (0.5 credit) or AP U.S. Government & Politics (1.0 credit)
- World Civilizations (0.5 credit)
- Geography & World Events (0.5 credit)
Note: We recommend World Civilizations and Geography & World Events be taken during grades 11 or 12.
Physical Education/Health - 1.0 Credits
Complete 0.5 PE credit and 0.5 Health credit from the following:
- Mind & Body Stewardship (0.5 Health credit)
- Fitness for Life (0.5 PE credit)
- General Fitness Skills (0.5 PE credit)
- Student Fitness Challenge (0.5 PE credit)
- Independent PE (0.5 PE credit; may be taken multiple times)
Note: Personal Leadership B includes Fitness for Life and satisfies PE credit.
Fine Arts - 1.0 Credits
Complete 1.0 credits from the following:
- 3D Design: Modeling, Animation, & Printing (0.5 credit)
- Digital Art & Graphic Design (0.5 credit)
- Independent Fine Arts (0.5 credit; may be taken multiple times)
Leadership - 0.5 Credits
Complete Professional Leadership (0.5 credit).
Note: Professional Leadership satisfies the ICAP requirement.
Computer Tech - 0.5 Credits
Complete 0.5 credits from the following:
- Personal Leadership A (0.5 credit)
- Other Tech class (0.5 credit)
Note: Personal Leadership A satisfies the Computer Tech requirement.
Financial Literacy - 0.5 Credits
Complete Financial Leadership (0.5 credits).
Additional Electives - 6.5 Credits
Students must complete 6.5 credits of Electives.
We recommend taking the following total credits per subject area:
- 2.0 Foreign Language
- 3.5 Any Electives
- 1.0 Social Leadership (A & B)
The State of Colorado does not require a foreign language for graduation, but Colorado universities require 1.0 credits. If your student is pursuing a university outside of Colorado, 2.0 credits in a single foreign language is recommended.
Excess credit in any subject area will be applied toward extra Elective credit. For a full list of elective courses offered, see the Electives Program on the Williamsburg Learning site.
Note: Social Leadership A & B can satisfy Electives credit.
College & Career Readiness
In addition to earning the required credits, students must demonstrate College and Career Readiness by achieving minimum SAT scores (470 on reading, writing, and communication and 480 on math), demonstrating proficiency on the Accuplacer Exams, or completing their Capstone Portfolio Project.
See the Colorado Department of Education website for information on the Capstone Project or contact our academic counselor. -
Colorado Higher Education Admission Requirements
The Colorado Four Year University requirements are as follows:
English: 4.0 credits
Math: 4.0 credits
Science: 3.0 credits
Social Sciences: 3.0 credits
Physical Education/Health: None
Foreign Language: 1.0 credits
Art: None
Personal Finance: None
Have Questions?
Since students come to Williamsburg Academy of Colorado from a variety of backgrounds and educational experiences (including homeschool, private, charter, and public schools), we suggest working with our academic counselor to create an individualized graduation path for your student.
Contact Our Academic Counselor
Have Questions?
Since students come to Williamsburg Academy of Colorado from a variety of backgrounds and educational experiences (including homeschool, private, charter, and public schools), we suggest working with our academic counselor to create an individualized graduation path for your student.
Contact Our Academic Counselor
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Saint George, UT 84790
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Mon-Thurs: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM MT
Friday: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM MT
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